Many business owners have realized that climate change is a serious issue and should be considered in their business plan. When they lend a huge amount of money for business implementation or expansion, they make sure that they are building people and nature-friendly buildings. Thanks to the bank industry for educating business owners nowadays on green financing.
The Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) conducted a roundtable discussion last 06 November 2018 about Sustainable Energy Financing held at Seda Hotel, Davao City.
The event pointed out the importance of sustainable projects, and that there is still lack of readiness and resiliency of business owners and the entire country on the strong environment, social and governance (ESG) standards that need to be addressed.
BPI pledged to help business owners to achieve their goal towards sustainability.
It is currently working on helping funding projects that are for energy-efficiency, climate resilience, and renewable energy.
Ms. Jo Ann Ela, Head of BPI’s Sustainable Energy Finance
Jo Ann Eala, head of BPI’s SEF, sees a high potential of growth in the market such as Davao, which is not excused in facing threats of natural hazards. She also cited the importance of green development and that the said project will help save a huge amount of money intended for expenses such as electricity and water in the long run. Aside from saving from maintenance and operation costs, going green will also help in the well-being of the employees.
Though some businesses do not see the importance of green development projects, BPI hopes that with constant awareness campaigns and regulatory support, stakeholders will soon realize its importance and benefits.
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